Food is more than fuel

In all my Xmas foods outfits to wish you all a Merry Xmas.

Lots of websites, socials and well meaning friends and family will want to give you tips & tricks for weight loss or maintenance in the festive season. But food is more than fuel. Enjoy your connection with celebration foods this festive season and don't dish yourself up an extra side serving of guilt!

My Xmas foods might look different to yours! That’s ok! It’s never cool to judge food traditions, whether they are personal, family, religious or culturally specific. In Australia is warm, so our Xmas feast is often lunch, featuring salads and seafood. In my family Xmas desserts are Pavlova and Trifle. I love that these can be made with any fruit or all the fruits!

And remember your food safety and COVID safety where ever you are and what ever you are eating.


Food Coma on Xmas?