Selected Media


Emma has written a variety of works on food and nutrition science - below are some examples were links are available. She aims to cut through the hype and give easy to digest food and nutrition information.


How gene-editing is about to deliver the promise of genuine superfoods

How cutting hidden salt from your diet could slash your risk of heart problems by 10% - a nutritionist explains

Has Ozempic accidentally become a game-changing anti-anxiety drug?

The great ‘one meal a day’ myth: Why the celebrity OMAD diet is no weight loss miracle

The Conversation

Drugs like Ozempic won’t ‘cure’ obesity but they might make us more fat-phobic

Hate salad or veggies? Just keep eating them. Here’s how our tastebuds adapt to what we eat

Should GPs bring up a patient’s weight in consultations about other matters? We asked 5 experts

Running gels and protein powders can be convenient boosts for athletes – but be sure to read the label

Ozempic helps weight loss by making you feel full. But certain foods can do the same thing – without the side-effects

Nope, coffee won’t give you extra energy. It’ll just borrow a bit that you’ll pay for later

Want your child to eat more veggies? Talk to them about ‘eating the rainbow’

Stop hating on pasta – it actually has a healthy ratio of carbs, protein and fat

I’ve indulged over the holidays. If I’m healthy the rest of the time, does it matter?

Chlorophyll water can’t clear your skin or detox your liver. But this TikTok trend got one thing right

Plunger, espresso, filter? Just because your coffee is bitter, doesn’t mean it’s ‘stronger’

Is coconut water good for you? We asked five experts

No, serving sizes on food labels don’t tell us how much we should eat

Some of our foods have nano particles in them – should we be worried?

These 5 foods are claimed to improve our health. But the amount we’d need to consume to benefit is… a lot

What is fake honey and why didn’t the official tests pick it up?

Curious Kids: Why do people get the hiccups and how do you get rid of them?

Busting the myth that all food additives are bad: a quick guide for label readers

What science says about getting the most out of your tea

Kitchen Science: A salt on the senses

Passing on taste: how your mum’s diet affects what you eat

Health Check: the untrue story of antioxidants vs free radicals

Superfoods: not so super after all?

Meet the epigenome: the next genomic frontier

Lateral Magazine

Lateral is an online science magazine.

The Unexamined Woman

Beating a new path

A matter of life and taste

Broadsheet Magazine

Broadsheet is an online Australian food and culture magazine.

Antioxidants: Hero or Hype?

Organic Food: How Good Is It, Really

What are FODMAPs?

Gluten Free: Is it For Me?

Skim Milk vs Full Cream: Which One Should You Be Drinking?

Is it Wise to Alkalise?

Chlorophyll: Clean, Green … Healthy?

Beer: Is Low-Carb or “Light” Worth It?

To Tea or Not to Tea?

ABC Online

The ABC is the major news network in Australia.

Before you bleat about what's in a lunchbox, check your privilege

Food fraud affects many supermarket staples, so how do you choose the good stuff?

Mythbusting superfoods: How marketing obscures science when it comes to what we eat

Kurbo is a new diet app for kids but it won't keep your children healthy

The Newcastle Herald

The Newcastle Herald is the local newspaper in Dr Emma’s home town.

Is Bacon as Bad as Tobacco?

Making a meal of nutrition

Guest blogs

Dr Emma has written for a number of blogs as a guest.

Looking like a scientist - the Research Whisperer

Thanks for your question - Conference Inference

What is epigenetics & how does it affect me? - Mind Body Microbiome

Women in STEM at the first Junket - Women in STEMM Australia

Podcast appearances

Emma appears regularly on science and general interest podcasts. These are some examples of appearances.

Schmeitgeist Podcast - Who’s afraid of the carnivore diet

Adam Liaw - How Taste Changed the World

Ockhams Razor 1: Superfoods

Ockhams Razor 2: Retraining your taste buds

Imagine this: Hiccups

Amanda’s well-being podcast: Our gut microbiome, our genes and our food with Dr Emma

That’s what I call Science! Food facts with Dr Emma Beckett

The Scientistt Podcast: Nutrition Science with Dr Emma

Women’s Work - Conversations with Annie & Kate: guest Dr Emma Beckett

Radio appearances

Emma has appeared on ABC and commercial radio hundreds of times, including national, statewide and local broadcasts. Since 2017 she has appeared weekly on ABC Central Coast Radio Breakfasts with Scott Levi for her regular segment “Food For Thought”. The links below are examples.

ABC Newcastle Breakfasts - Health Star Ratings

ABC Blueprint for Living: Colour

ABC Blueprint for Living - Last Half Hour: Salt

ABC Central Coast “Food For Thought” on Tuckeroo

ABC Central Coast “Food For Thought” on milk choices

ABC Melbourne Evenings - why a little bit of comfort food is actually ok

ABC Newcastle Drive - will garlic protect you from a virus?


Emma has appeared on morning and news television, as well as voicing an animated kangaroo on an episode of Imagine this (ABC for Kids). The links here are examples of these appearances.

Imagine this: Hiccups

ABC News 24 - Red Meat Guidelines the Controversy explained

The Cook Up with Adam Liaw - Fast Family Food

Public Speaking

Emma has appeared at a variety of community events including Pint of Science, University of the Third Age, School talks and more - the links below are some recorded examples. Emma is available to speak at schools and not-for profits where she is able to donate her time where he schedule allows. Opportunities for for profit organisations are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Highlights from What Goes In Must Come Out

Dr Emma’s top 4 most asked questions on Nutrition

Why do we taste things differently?

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